West Newton First Church of God

Our History


History of the First Church of God

West Newton, Pennsylvania

The history of the Church of God at West Newton goes back to the days when records were not kept as completely as today. Much of this history is written in ink, which is now fading. One thing is certain however, the church had its beginning in the years 1843-1845. The General History of the Churches of God reports that in 1843 there were about 20 Church of God people here, and they were planning to build a bethel. For a number of years this group met in the home of Timothy Obley at 167 North Second Street.

The First General Eldership, a national meeting of all the then existing Churches of God, including those of West Pennsylvania, met in the spring of 1844, but no specific mention is made of West Newton. In the fall of 1844, an Annual Eldership (now called Annual Conference) was convened in Pittsburgh, and at this time the first minister to the West Newton church was appointed. He was Elder Joseph A. Dobson, and the appointment was made on October 28, 1844. This church may now proudly boast of 150 years of service in this community.

The early years were marked by dissention as to whether the sermons should be delivered in German or English. As the German brethren became more familiar with the English language, they gave way and harmony was restored.

The main part of the present house of worship was built in 1852 and dedicated on November 12 of the same year. Pastoral service may be described by the term “circuit rider,” and sometimes two or even three men were appointed to one church. The records reveal that Mount Pleasant, and Pittsburgh were on a circuit with West Newton. But as the need for a resident pastor became evident, a parsonage was erected and made a gift to the church by Mr. and Mrs. John Mellender, in the year 1881. This building now serves as an educational facility.

In either the latter part of the 1883 or the early part of 1884, a disastrous fire destroyed part of the bethel. It was rebuilt and the narthex added and dedicated in 1884. Some years ago, when new windows were placed in the narthex, the part of the old window which reads, “Church of God-1884,” was built into the new window. In the year 1910, under the ministry of George W. Byrnes, an extensive addition was built onto the rear of the bethel providing classrooms, baptistry and furnace room. The present pipe organ, secured with assistance from Andrew Carnegie, was placed during the ministry of F.Z. Conner. In 1919, during the ministry of John W. Whistler, the parsonage was enlarged and improved.

During Pastor Nelson Kittle’s ministry, sanctuary lights were replaced in 1954-55. Extensive remodeling was done during Pastor Harry G. Cadamore’s first ministry (1955-66). New church pews and carpeting were installed in 1958; a new ceiling was placed in the sanctuary; the organ was refurbished; a new roof was put on and the belfry redesigned. During this time, the parsonage exterior was also renovated.

In the years 1967 to 1971, during the ministry of Pastor J. Arnold Berg, a new parsonage was purchased and renovated, and the Educational Building established. In 1983, the parsonage was improved and ‘Project ’84” undertaken which included: the redesigning of the chancel and the choir area; new sanctuary carpeting; improved Children’s Department facilities; a new kitchen; and remodeling of the Educational Building. Although the present bethel is old in years, it was originally constructed so well that the entire congregation, today, feels proud of its place of worship.

On ten separate occasions the West Newton Church has entertained sessions of the West Pennsylvania (Eldership) Conference. On one occasion, the General Eldership was entertained here.

From September 1989 to January 1992, the church was without a minister, relying on pulpit supplies for each Sunday. Pastor Michael Sneeringer then became the full-time pastor until September of 1993    when he left to become a church planter for the West   Pennsylvania Conference. Pastor Frederick Bauer was then called to the West Newton congregation in August of 1993 and presently serves as pastor.

The congregation, during these 150 years, has been served by forty-four pastors. On several occasions pastors have returned to serve a second, and in some few cases, a third term of pastoral service. The record of these pastors is included in this booklet.

1994 – 2003 UPDATE

The main part of the present house of worship was built in 1852 and dedicated on November 12th of the same year. Pastoral service may be described by the term “circuit   rider,” and sometimes two or even three men were appointed to one church. The records   reveal that Mount Pleasant and Pittsburgh were on a circuit with West Newton. But as the need for a resident pastor became evident, a parsonage was erected and made a gift to the church by Mr. and Mrs. John Mellender, in the year 1881.

In either the later part of 1883 or the early part of 1884, a disastrous fire destroyed part of the bethel. It was rebuilt and the narthex added and dedicated in 1884.

In the year 1910, under the ministry of George W. Byrnes, an extensive addition was built onto the rear of the bethel providing classrooms, baptistery, and furnace room.

The trustees were instructed in November 1913 to install a steam heating plant which was done for $625.00. The warm steam heat has added much convenience and comfort to the bethel.

In 1913 the Ladies Aid Society began, and the ladies were diligent workers, making vegetable soup to sell, having oyster suppers, and quilting of many beautiful quilts for people. The ladies were incredibly talented and busy hands created many beautiful heirlooms.

In 1914 the present stain glass windows were installed. A section of a window that remained from the fire that reads “Church of God-I884” was built into the window above the front door.

Sometime in 1915 our present Estex pipe organ, secured with assistance from Andrew Carnegie, was placed in the church during the ministry of F.Z. Conner. The organ is still playing beautiful music to our members and all the saints in heaven are straining to listen once again to the wonderful tunes.

After 38 years, the parsonage needed enlargement and improvements. These were made in 1918 under the ministry of John W. Whistler. Many modern conveniences were made at that time. The members were proud of the plans and wonderful accomplishments they had made with God’s help.

In 1925, Mrs. George Kamerer (Ida) was elected as the church organist. She served her Lord and church well, having played the organ for 50 years.

In 1928, the first gas meter was installed in the parsonage, and another convenience was added.

From 1929 – 1945 our church and the country struggled with changing times but with the end of the depression and World War II the tide seemed to reverse with more attending worship. The first outside bulletin board was installed in front of the parsonage. The messages listed there were read by many and put into practice by many of them.

As families got smaller, the parsonage was remodeled in 1946 for two families, giving the church a small income to use in the Lord’s work. The dedication of children was approved that same year, even though it had been approved by General Eldership in 1944.

In 1953 the banister in front of the baptistery was removed, refinished, and redesigned to be a removal altar rail at the front of the church. The kneeling bench was then removed. Also, that year, the communion table was dedicated. During Pastor Nerlson Kittle’s ministry, sanctuary lights were replaced in 1954-1955. The new lights were lantern lights, with stained glass and 3-way lighting hanging from a chain

In 1953 a garage by the parsonage was purchased for the minister’s use insuring him of a quick response to a needy member.

The Baby Grand piano, which was given to the church, was dedicated on November 22, 1958. The piano is still a joy to listen to today.

Extensive remodeling was done during Pastor Harry G. Cadamore’s first ministry (1955-66). New church pews and carpeting were installed in 1958; a new ceiling was placed in the sanctuary; the organ was refurbished; a new roof was put on and the belfry redesigned. The church pews were all donated as memorials, with designated plates on the side of each one. At that time, the church’s two aisles were changed to three aisles: adding a center aisle. In 1956 and 1957 a communion table, a brass cross, two vases and two offering plates were donated as memorials.

During this time, the parsonage exterior was also renovated. All these things, together with many smaller items, have added immensely to the appearance of God’s house and to the spirit of worship by those who gather here. Cooperation of a few can move mountains with the help of the Lord.

In November 1963 one of our native young men, Keith Snyder, went into the ministry from our church. We were privileged to have played any part in this young man’s training to serve the Lord.

Nursery cribs were also donated as a memorial and added to our children’s church.

In the years 1969-1971, during the ministry of Pastor J. Arnold Berg, a new parsonage (Brown’s house) was purchased for $8,500.00 at 164 N. Second Street, property three doors down on the opposite side of the street. It was renovated, thus freeing the former parsonage to be used as the educational building. The new educational building was dedicated to the glory of the Lord, housing four classrooms, a nursery, the secretary’s office, and minister’s office.

Memorials donated in 1972 and 1973 were: envelope and pencil holders, communion cup holders were added to the hymnal rack and in 1973 the outside bulletin board was placed in front of the parsonage. Also, a piano was purchased by memorial funds for the Sunday School room.

In 1977, with memorial funds we installed drapes at the back of the pulpit and in front of the baptistery. Organ chimes were added, and pew cushions installed.

In 1983 pulpit furniture was reupholstered and ceiling fans installed as memorials.

In 1983 improvements were made to the parsonage as “Project ’84” was undertaken. This included: redesigning the chancel and choir area, new choir chain, new sanctuary carpeting, improved children’s department facilities, a new kitchen and remodeling the educational building. For all the above, neither one person nor one group can take credit; it has come about because of the united effort on the part of all the Church as a whole.

In 1987, from the memorial fund, small wooden chairs were purchased for our children’s Sunday School rooms.                                        

1989 -1998

Participated in the West Newton River Festival from Friday night until Saturday night. A food booth and bake sale was enjoyed by many.

In 1990, our Knabe Baby Grand piano was rebuilt by the London Piano Co. To accomplish this, they had to take it apart and remove it from the premises. When returned, it had been restored to its original condition.

The original baptistery made of tin became unrepairable. In 1990 a fiberglass unit with two sets of built-in steps and a heating system were installed.


An offering from the children’s Bible School was sent to the National Ministries. Also, that same year, in response to a request from Haiti for “sinks”, a special offering was taken for that project. A monetary gift was sent to New Hope Church in Scott Haven, PA after it had burned down.


Class 8 started a junior church during church hour. The Bible School offering and families from the church sent money to Church of God families hit by a flood in Iowa. Class 8 sent an additional six boxes of household items along with the donated money.

During 1993 new hymnals were purchased as a memorial. In 1989 a new communion set and in 1993 four brass offering plates were purchased from memorial funds.

Boxes for College Students: When there are college students in our congregation, the class sends gift boxes to the students on an alternating schedule. The boxes contain various things such as razors, shaving lotion, combs, etc. for the boys. The girls receive shampoo, hand lotion, etc. and all students receive holiday decorations, candy and so forth.

Gamerco, NM Church:  The group has donated $15.00 per month for support along with a special gift for Christmas and Easter.

Church Camp Scholarships: The group has a scholarship program for any child of the church wishing to go to Camp Sonrise Mountain. The amount of the scholarship is determined by the number of Sundays the child has attended Sunday School.

The group has a yearly sale of FADA knives.


Stained glass windows in the church were repaired and metal bars were installed on the ones that opened for added strength. The four-foot wall in front of the parsonage was cracking and had to be redone.


Handrails on both sides of the steps at the education building were installed from the Memorial Fund.

1996 – present

The Women’s Fellowship Group, formerly Class 8, has sponsored the following projects.

Provided Christmas boxes for the missionary families in Haiti. They sent eleven boxes of wrapped Christmas gifts.


Due to numerous church arsons in our area, a fire alarm system and security system was installed for protection. These items were purchased by memorial funds.

As a memorial, our outside bulletin board was moved and replaced on the side of the church beside the main door. It is still illuminating those witty little one-liners to all who pass by.

1997 – 1999

In place of the regular Sunday School Opening, the Sunday before Christmas the entire Sunday School took part in a Christmas Cantata. There was a special number by either a quartet or the choir, but the rest of the music in the cantata was Christmas music sung by the Sunday School members.

The Church sponsored a Good Friday Day Camp for the community’s children, grades K-5. The program ran the same time frame as a normal school day and offered a safe place for the child of a working parent without the expense of a babysitter. We taught the Easter story on the child’s grade level along with coordinating videos, crafts, and of course, lunch.

1998 – 2003

Took part in the Study Buddy Program by adopting a student of Winebrenner Theological Seminary.


We had four girls participate in the quiz team. This year the girls received Champions Excellence in recognition of a job well done quizzing on the book of Acts in the West Penn Bible Quiz. The following year they received a Certificate of Participation in Junior High CGGC Bible Quizzing Nationals when they placed 12th. In 2001, they received a Certificate of Participation and came in 11th place in the Junior High CGGC Bible Quizzing Nationals. The quiz girls held a spaghetti supper each year with the help of their parents and ladies of the church. A fun time was had by all.


Sponsored Operation Christmas Child in our church. Members were asked to bring in items on the list provided by Samaritan’s Purse. We then supplemented what we had gathered and packed the boxes which were later delivered to children in underdeveloped countries.

The traditional opening for Sunday School was discontinued to provide more class time. Also, a peach festival was held in the Sunday School room and was a considerable success.


A new gas furnace was purchased for the education building to replace the old one.


The old bulletin board was taken out in front of the education building and pine trees and river rock were added for landscaping, which provided added beauty to the front of the building.


The parsonage was sold.

As a church social, we had a strawberry festival. Everyone enjoyed the fellowship and get together.

A dry erase board was donated for the Junior Church room. Also, a computer and printer were purchased for the church office out of the memorial fund.

The church opened its doors to the Veterans of Foreign Wars Memorial Post 7812 of West Newton on Veteran’s Day for a service to honor all veterans who passed away the previous year.

Each year the choir joins in the Association of Churches Community Choir Festival. This year the church hosted it.

The church participated in the Easter Sunrise Service, an annual event, held at the West Newton Cemetery.

We started to use Children’s Bulletins in church with the cost underwritten by the Women’s Fellowship Group.

On February 1, 2003, we welcomed our first woman pastor, Elizabeth Dunlap who has been very instrumental in guiding our church these past 11 years.

During 2003-2004 we installed a sound system for the sanctuary including a projector, screen, wall speakers, and a computer.

The 160th Anniversary Service was held on November 14, 2004. The congregation shared in a Thanksgiving Dinner following the service.

In May of 2007 we installed new carpet in the math church area, altar, and vestibule. All surfaces, ceiling and walls throughout the sanctuary were painted. Throughout this same period a discussion was held with an architect concerning a new addition to the church. We obtained bids from various contractors.

During May of 2008, the stained-glass windows were historically preserved, and leaded panels added where necessary.

2008-2010 The architect plans were approved and the addition connecting the educational building to the main church building was completed.. The addition includes a ramp for a handicapped assessable entrance to the sanctuary on the upper level. It contains a platform lift that is used to go from the upper floor to the lower level where there is an entrance to the fellowship hall. Handicapped assessable restrooms are included on each level. Windows were installed in the addition and ceramic tile covers the floors on both levels. Whistler Construction Company built the addition at a cost of $150.000.00. A loan for this building project was received from Scottdale Bank & Trust.

October 2010   Improvements were done to the ramp leading to the New Handicapped Accessible Entrance. This is a non-skid surface.

November 2010 Vinyl railing was installed along the ramp.

July 2012 Church purchased Glaser Property adjacent to the church garage. The cost of the property was added to the bank loan. The balance of the combined loan on 12/31/13 was $131,816.92. The house is currently the residence of Pastor Beth and the double garage at the lower part of the lot is rented to town residents.

2012 The audio-visual sound system in the sanctuary was updated. New equipment included a new projector and HD switcher w/Audio Decoding.

2013 Narthex had damage from rain due to poor labor work on the church roof. The old shingles on the church roof were removed and repairs to the steeple and roof were made, new shingles were put on the main roof.

The 170th Anniversary of the church was celebrated in September 2014. A catered dinner was served the evening of Saturday, September 27th. Dinner was followed by an organ concert in the sanctuary by Jimmy Sykes a local voice and piano teacher. Sunday morning, we continued the celebration with Regional Director Pastor Phil Scott as our guest speaker. His sermon topic was titled “Transitions.


1844-1845    Joseph A. Dobson         

1845-1847    John Hickernell          

1847-1848    Benjamin Ober            

1848-1849    John Hickernell          

1849-1850    Emanuel Logue            

1850-1851    John Hickernell          

                       John Plowman             

1851-1852    John Hovis               

                       Henry Barkey             

                       Abraham Latchaw         

1852-1853    Seth S. Richmond         

1853-1855    Emanuel Logue            

1855-1856    John Hickemell           

1856-1858    Seth S. Richmond         

1858-1859    John A. Plowman          

1859-1860    John Hickemell           

1860-1862    J. M. Domer              

1862-1865    J. M. Domer              

                       Peter Loucks                          

1865-1868    J. M. Domer              

1868-1872    Peter Loucks             

1872-1873    J. W. Davis               

1873-1874    B.F. Bolton              

1874-1875    J. W. Davis              

1875-1876    J. Grimm   

1876-1878    B.F. Bolton

1878-1881    J. W. Bloyd

1881-1883    J. S. Marple

1883-1885    J. W. Davis

1885-1887    L. F. Murray

1887-1888    C. H. Grove

1889-1890    W. H. McKlveen

1890-1891    J. F. Smith

1891-1893    S. B. Stevens

1893-1896    J. S. Marple

1896-1910    G. W. Byrnes

1910-1912    R. L. Crawford

1912-1913    W. F. Riley

1913-1918    F. Z. Conner

1918-1920    J. W. Whistler

1920-1924    H. C. Gonso

1924-1927    F. O. Eakin

1927-1928    V. B. Vandersall

1928-1929    Lawman Deckard

1929-1930    Pulpit Supplied

1930-1932    F. A. Handley

1932-1941    V. B. Vandersall

1941-1944    J. A. Berg

1944-1945    F. O. Eakin

1946-1949    Ernest Daubert

1949-1953    Earl F. Show

1953-1955    Nelson Kittle

1955-1966    Harry G. Cadamore

1966-1967    Pulpit Supplied

1967-1971    J. A. Berg

1971-1977    Glenn E. Beatty

1977-1980    Geoffrey Clay

1980-1982    Robert Goodnough

1982-1983    Sept. to Jan. Pulpit Supplied

1983 -1989   Harry G. Cadamore

1989-1992    Pulpit Supplied

1992-1993    Michael Sneeringer

1993-2002    Frederick Bauer

2002-2003    Pulpit Supplied

2003-             Beth Dunlap